Vi er så glade over å kunne meddele at Yogagården skal hoste @atmanyogaschool sin Restore + Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 18 – 20 mars.
«Join the Atman Yoga School and Yogagården for this 30 Hour training that is open to all students, and designed to be an introduction to these two healing modalities, and to teaching them to others or incorporating into a home practice. This weekend is part-retreat, part-training, and is designed to reset your nervous system while teaching you the fundamentals of restorative yoga and Yoga Nidra meditation. This training is registered as YACEP with the Yoga Alliance.»
Vi kan også tilby en sunn og grønn lunsj alle tre dagene. Behøver du overnatting, så har vi to vakre gamle hus med massevis av sjel reservert hele helgen.
Ta kontakt med Yogagården for overnatting.
For informasjon og booking av teacher training, se Yogagårdens hjemmeside.